We are in the time of Samhain (Halloween) as I write this. Samhain is the ancient Celtic New Year, still celebrated by Wiccans, Druids and other Pagans. The ancient Celts had only two seasons; Summer, the light half of the year, and Winter, the dark half of the year. Samhain marks the all important portal between summer and winter, a time of chaos when the veils between the Worlds are thin and Fairies, Spirts and the departed return to their familiar haunts.
Samhain is also the time when the last harvest should be safely stowed away and any produce left in the fields after this date belongs to the Fairies, not to be touched. The cows should have been brought down from the hills by now and be snug in their byres. Candles are placed in windows and places are set at the table for departed ancestors, in remembrance. Everyone should put out a plate for the Fairies, in the garden or in a special nook of the house.
While costumes and trick or treating occur on October 31 in modern times, there is controversy about the actual date among those who try to honor traditional ways (see the Celtic News section below for details about Celtic Samhain observances). Some posit that the date would have been November 7 because that’s the mid-point between the Fall Equinox and the Winter Solstice. The old Scottish observance was on November 11 and it is fitting that 11/11 is now “Remembrance Day” or “Veterans’ Day”, the date when we honor soldiers who have committed the ultimate self-sacrifice. I think whoever chose that date knew exactly what they were doing.
For me October 31 is the more secular and commercial Halloween and the night of November 11 is the time when the walls between the worlds are truly thinnest.
The flower of the common or field poppy Papaver rhoeas, on which the remembrance poppy is based.
The weather here on the mountain has been rainy and somewhat balmy. Wooly Bear caterpillars are everywhere, sporting long orange bands across their middles, predicting a warm winter. Yesterday I processed acorns with a friend which, after two weeks of leaching, I hope to bake into festive cakes this winter. Squirrels and birds are perching on the still empty bird feeder making me feel guilty. I don’t want to start laying out sunflower seeds until hard frosts set in, to discourage the bears.
This week is a critical one for the future of this nation. My friend Janet penned a poignant essay on Facebook that I just had to share. Please think about this as you make your way to your election site. And if you find you have been kicked off the voting rolls as so many are now discovering, please make sure to ASK FOR A PROVISIONAL BALLOT.
Why Trumpism Is Here To Stay
Do you know what were the worst kind of Nazis in the Third Reich?
I’m from Germany. Germany has a “special relationship” with the dangers of fascism and racism. I would like to explain to you how Trumpism works and why you won’t get rid of it, even if Trump goes to jail and dies and the whole GOP denounces him. Trump did not happen in a vacuum. Trump was merely the next logical step after the Tea Party. When Obama came to power, the GOP discovered the power of pure unadulterated hatred. Hatred against Obama was the tool that allowed them to polarize and rile up their voters. However, the Tea Party eventually went out of control. The GOP had whipped their base into such a frenzy that the Tea Party started turning against the GOP itself. All over the US new extremist Tea Party candidates defeated moderate Republican candidates in primaries. In their desire to sow hatred for Obama, the GOP had accidently unleashed hatred against the establishment.
Trump took this Republican anti-establishment sentiment and rode it to victory. How?
Here’s where the comparison between Trump and Hitler becomes necessary. Trump is not Hitler. But he uses the same psychological methods to manipulate voters. Germany in the 1920s. The country had just lost a war, was an international pariah and economy and politics were in perpetual crisis. And Hitler gave the people what they wanted: Somebody to blame.
Hitler blamed the Democrats for sabotaging the war-efforts, he blamed the Jews and the capitalists for the destroyed economy, and he blamed the Communists for the political chaos and the destruction of monarchy. Hitler wanted the simple, clear-cut imperial world back. Instead the new world was full of complications and new cultures and political parties and compromises and shifting societal values. Hitler gave the Germans the perfect excuse to be bad. It was okay to give in to your darkest desires, because suddenly the world was full of people it was okay to hate.
It was okay to hate democracy, it was okay to hate Jews, it was okay to hate Communists, it was okay to hate Capitalists… All the bad things you had always wanted to do, now it was okay to do them.
Do you know who were the worst kind of Nazis in the Third Reich?
No, not the fanatic, murdering extremists. It was the quiet ones, who marched along without thinking. Who had always been such nice people and now had no hesitations whatsoever about ratting their dear neighbors out to send them to concentration-camps. The worst Nazis were the unthinking sheep who simply accepted that it’s now okay to be evil because Hitler told them it’s okay to be evil. Trump has done the same. He gave Republican voters somebody to hate. It’s now okay to hate Democrats and liberals, it’s okay to hate Mexicans, it’s okay to hate Muslims, it’s okay to hate journalists, it’s okay to hate women, it’s okay to hate homosexuals…Trump has given them the excuse they always wanted. Trump has declared that now it’s okay to be evil.
Do you know who is the worst kind of Trump-follower?
The worst kind of Trump-followers are the unthinking sheep who simply accept that it’s now okay to be evil because Trump told them it’s okay to be evil. And this is the reason why Trumpism is here to stay. Trumpism is the extremist version of the Tea Party. The Republican voters have been brainwashed to think that being evil is okay. And they have a permission to do whatever they want, be it good or be evil. They have an excuse to do whatever they want, be it good or evil.
In order for Trumpism to disappear, the Trump-voters would have to give up the freedom to mistreat people that Trump gave them. And we all know how Republican voters LOVE their inherent and inalienable rights to mistreat other people. They think that they have a religious right to mistreat people. They think that outlawing racial discrimination is an attack on white people.
Trumpism is here to stay, because Republican voters have been told that being evil is their freedom and their right.
Related: A week of unbearable hate in the US
And for those who have been following the ongoing drama about clear cutting of forests here in New England just to put in solar panels, here are some updates;
- Which to choose, forests or solar arrays?
- Cutting down forests for energy is a delusion, 120 world organizations agree
- Protests over logging in Massachusetts
- Norway becomes the first country to ban deforestation
- Saturday, November 10th
6pm to 8 pm
An evening with Author, Druid and Herbalist, Ellen Evert Hopman
for a discussion and presentation of her newest book, The Real Witches of New England.
Deadwick’s Ethereal Emporium, 19 Sheafe Street, Portsmouth, NH – 603-619-6946
$20 pp – Space is very limited. Reservations required.
Facebook event page - A Winter Reading
January 26, 2019, 4-6 PM
Belchertown, Massachusetts
Facebook Event Page
*You can purchase a signed copy of this book and all my other books from this website www.elleneverthopman.com* Yule is coming! Signed books make a great gift - A recent interview about the new book The Real Witches of New England
- And a second podcast – my bit starts about 54 minutes in
- Halloween 2018 podcast
- Another old podcast that recently resurfaced on Facebook – from Samhain (Halloween) 2011
Below is the usual past Moonth’s roundup of archaeology, herb, health, climate, nature, Celtic, Fairy, religion and ethics news. Enjoy!
- Indians of the Ecuadorian Amazon were using cocoa 5300 years ago
- Earliest hominin migrations into the Arabian Peninsula required no novel adaptations
- When the Syrians bathed like the Romans
- Study reconstructs Neanderthal ribcage, offers new clues to ancient human anatomy
- Viking age Irish settlements in Iceland
- Over 200 Viking coins found in Danish wetlands
- Tunnel, chamber discovered beneath Mexico’s Pyramid of the Moon
- A stone Thor’s Hammer found in Iceland
- A recreated Pictish hill fort
- New projectile point style could suggest two separate migrations into North America
- Experimental work reproduces the knapping process at Olduvai
- Irish Famine victims’ heavy smoking led to dental decay, new research reveals
- Tobacco smoking habits of ancient tribes
- Interior Northwest Indians used tobacco long before European contact
- Medieval houses, ship remains discovered in central Swedish town
- New species of the ‘first bird’ Archaeopteryx uncovered
- Focus on western women ‘skewed our ideas of what birth should look like’
- Culsh earth house, Scotland (video)
- Pictish symbol stones – new dating
Even more… - Gold hoard found in a Donegal field goes on display
- 9,000-Year-Old Seal Unearthed In Southern Turkey
- Bronze Age Dagger Unearthed In Slovakia
- Fake Dead Sea Scrolls fragments found by German researchers
- Five Skeletons Found At Pompeii
- Peruvian Archaeologists Discover Pre-Columbian Wooden Statues
- 6000 year old tools made of deer antler found in Scotland
- World’s oldest intact ship wreck found in the Black Sea
- 1,500-year-old farming and carpentry tools found in Northwest Turkey
- Celts of the Glauberg (video)
- Rock art in Scotland
- Swiss Archaeologists Uncover Rare Celtic Remains
- Bronze Age bookkeeping tablets reveal complex society
- World Heritage Sites threatened by rising sea levels
- A date change for the Pompeii eruption
- 2018 excavations of the South Palaestra in Eretria, Greece
Μερικές μικκύλες κοτύλες που ανακαλύφτηκαν στον ιερό βόθρο του Ιερού της Ειλείθυιας - A 2,500 year old chariot, horses and rider found in Yorkshire
- Georadar detects a Viking ship in Norway
- Parasites from medieval latrines unlock secrets of human history
- ‘Vampire burial’ reveals efforts to prevent child’s return from grave
- Impressive new finds at Akrotiri on Greek island of Santorini
- The ‘Stone of London’ gets a new home
- New light cast on Scandinavia’s most important Bronze Age site
- Stolen ancient bas-relief returns to Iran museum
- Cairnpapple howe, Scotland (video)
- ‘Enchanted Garden’ Discovered In Pompeii
- Corpus of Jewish inscriptions found in Greece published by museum
- Unlocking the mystery of a 2,000-year-old child mummy
- The invasion that wiped out every man from Spain 4,500 years ago
And More… - Salt: Mover and shaker in ancient Maya society
- Drier, less predictable environment may have spurred human evolution
- Small carnivores might be the most destructive in archaeological sites
- Easter Island inhabitants collected freshwater from the ocean’s edge in order to survive
- Egyptians, Vikings and their cats
- An app that can tell you the history of the indigenous people of the land you live on
- Researchers reveal ancient Native American thyroid disease using science and art
- Archaeologists to revisit the Muyu Muyu Inca ceremonial centre
- Bronze Age and Roman pottery found near Cambridge during A14 upgrade
- Palmyra priest statue among haul of recovered Syrian relics
- Unplundered Mycenaean Tomb Discovered In Nemea
- Broad genetic variation on the Pontic-Caspian Steppe
- Neanderthal Bones Found In Polish Cave
- Modern humans inherited viral defenses from Neanderthals
- Ivory craftsmanship and trade in the Iberian Copper Age
- 8 year old girl pulls a pre-Viking era sword from a lake in Sweden
- Mysterious female pottery face from east China sends 7,300 year-old smile
- Bone knife from Morocco is oldest specialized tool associated with Aterian culture
- Neanderthal-like features in 450,000-year-old fossil teeth from the Italian Peninsula
- Neanderthal Healthcare Practices Crucial To Survival
- Roman sculptures of Greek gods unearthed in Jordan’s Jerash
- Baking Bread with the Romans: Part IV – Cato’s Grape Must Cakes
- Ancient basketry
- Making an English long bow (video)
- Tomnaverie recumbent stone circle, Scotland (video)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9DQl83T–I&feature=share - Traces of opiates found in ancient Cypriot vessel
- ‘Jewel of Roman Empire’ faces Libya dangers
- Cuisine of early farmers revealed by analysis of proteins in pottery from Çatalhöyük
- The discovery of the tomb of priest Kaires
- Archaeologists find the earliest use of nutmeg as a food
- Celtic burial in Croatia
- Two 6000-year-old human skeletons found under Brazilian construction site
- 20-Million-Year-Old Elephant Tusks Unearthed In Iran
- Palaeontology: A way of reaching into the past to build lessons for the present
- Unique ivory statuette of Graeco-Egyptian god Harpokrates unearthed in Crimea
- When Chestnuts were an everyday food
- Artichokes are food and medicine
- Benefits of Asafetida
- How to process acorns for flour
I have instructions for processing acorns and delicious bread and cake recipes in my books (you can find them in all the usual places or get a signed copy from me here )
- Japanese Knotweed (video)
- Rowan berries are food and magic (video)
- Wild herbs and foods to forage in the fall
- Chicken of the woods mushroom
- Elderberry shown to lessen flu duration and symptoms
- Colon cancer is on the rise in younger people
- Gut bacteria, diet and MS
- Stephen Hawking said genetic editing may create species that could destroy rest of humanity
- Countries where spanking is banned have less violent youths
- Trump’s Medicaid pick was hired to dismantle the program
- Probiotic foods
- A probiotic that kills Staph
- Long term use of Aspirin reduces the risk of liver cancer (I’d rather use Willow bark…)
- Dairy fats lessen diabetes risk, study finds
- Seed oils such as sunflower are probably better for cardiovascular health than olive oil
- Why going Vegan is not the best option for the planet
- Back to basics: food as medicine
- Lessons from the 1918 flu pandemic, 100 years on
- A Noah’s Ark is being built for gut microbes
- Does Parkinson’s Disease originate in the appendix?
- Quitting Cannabis smoking leads to better memory
- Alkaline water is more of a fad than a cure
- Dogs can tell if a person has malaria by sniffing their socks
- Children born to older fathers tend to have more health issues
- Cyberchondria and cyberhoarding – are these new mental pathologies caused by internet use?
- Has a new ghost particle been found?
- DNA of all known eukaryotic species to be sequenced
- Animal migration requires both movement corridors and food
- Alterations to seabed raise fears for future
- Mountain birds on ‘escalator to extinction’ as planet warms
- Tasmanian ‘devil in disguise’ is key puzzle piece for understanding supercontinents
- Paleontologists discover six new species in the East African Rift
- Deforestation triggered mass extinction of endemic animal species in Haiti
- Tiny beetle trapped in amber might show how landmasses shifted
- Environmental protection rules on the way out under Trump
- Restoring the ancient Caledonian Forest (video)
- A fungus that eats plastic
- A pipeline is set to destroy an old growth forest in Virginia
- A town in Colorado recognizes the inherent rights of nature
- Blue Macaw is now officially extinct in the wild
- Tracking the movement of the tropics 800 years into the past
- Oldest evidence for animals found by UCR researchers
- Billionaires are the leading cause of climate change (GQ magazine!)
- UN: climate genocide is coming
- Researchers solve mystery at the center of the Milky Way
- String theory: Is dark energy even allowed?
- Galactic Archaeology, studying the oldest stars in the Milky Way
- Understanding pulsars (video)
- Evolutionary ‘arms race’ — how dolphins and whales fight disease threats
- Improving paleotemperature reconstruction—Swiss lakes as a model system
- GeoSEA array records sliding of Mount Etna’s southeastern flank
- Newly described fossils could help reveal why some dinos got so big
- Wild chimpanzees share food with their friends
- Ada Lovelace and gender bias in science
- Five women who missed out on the Nobel prize
- Stephen Hawkings last scientific paper released
Scientists present new clues to cut through the mystery of Titan’s atmospheric haze
- Oxygen and the origins of life: breathing life into our planet and others
- When yesterday’s agriculture feeds today’s water pollution
- Global sea level could rise 50 feet by 2300, study says
- Italian physicist at Cern suspended for sexual discrimination against women
- A dwarf planet called “The Goblin” and the search for the elusive “Planet Nine”
- First exo-Moon has been identified
- New tool helps scientists better target the search for alien life
- Global warming increases wildfire potential damages in Mediterranean Europe
- Secondary Forests Have Short Lifespans
- Forest life and one very special tree (video)
- Set in amber, fossil ants help reconstruct evolution of fungus farming
- Siberian paleontologists discovered the oldest macro-skeleton remains
- Humans delayed the onset of the Sahara desert by 500 years
- Halloween in Irish Folklore
- Blackberries after Halloween
- Hop tu Naa in the Isle of Mann
The real history of Halloween (video)
- Halloween Night in Ireland
- All Saints Day (November 2) in Ireland
- Poetic satire on those in power
- When sacred fires were lit in Scotland for good fortune
- Celt-Iberian Witches
- The New Moon in Irish folklore
- Harvest customs in Ireland
- The harvest on Uist, the Hebrides, Scotland (video)
- Trump’s a Langer (video)
- Druids in Athens, TN get death threats for planning a public ceremony
Even more… - A Viking wedding in Norway
- Witches now outnumber Presbyterians, studies find
- Paganism is growing in Britain
- Pastor gets MacArthur “Genius Award”
- Viking suite (video)
- Afro-Celt Sound System (video)
- Viking music “My Mother” (video)
- Appalachian music – Rising Appalachia- Medicine (video)
- The day Michael Moore came face to face with Cesar Sayoc while making a movie
- Arkansas passes law allowing rapists to sue victims who want an abortion
- Grand Canyon uranium mining ban upheld as supreme court declines to hear challenge
Court says extraction ban is among cases it refuses to review, in victory for environmental groups and Native American communities - Susan Collins of Maine who voted “yes” on Kavanaugh already has a challenger
- How this will end – sooner or later tyrants always fall
- With Trump the cruelty is the point
- Why we are underestimating the collapse of America
- The Supreme Court just made it harder for Democrats to win in Novemberhttps://www.motherjones.com/politics/2018/10/supreme-court-makes-it-harder-for-tribal-north-dakotans-to-vote/
- Chief Justice Roberts Requests Tenth Circuit To Investigate Kavanaugh Ethics Questions
- The Five year old who was detained at the border and convinced to sign away her rights (this is what the USA has come to under the Republican regime)
- Indiana, Texas, Florida and other states are busily purging voter rolls to ensure victory for Republicans
- Floridians who missed voter registration deadline because of Hurricane Michael are out of luck
- FBI confirms that Kavanaugh investigation was not complete
- 1,100 economists agree that Trump is repeating one of the worst mistakes of the Great Depression
- Elizabeth Warren released her genetic test results – turns out she does have NA heritage, as she said all along
More… - Trump got bailed out twice by a Saudi prince. (Is anyone surprised by this?)
- Eastern Cherokee voice support for Elizabeth Warren and her DNA test
- The terrible Trump portrait that explains everything
- SPLC: two thirds of terrorist attacks in US are by right wing extremists
- Justice Department: Russia is hacking the US Midterm elections
- Famed historian says Trump is leading the US into Fascism
- Republicans plan to destroy Social Security but have no plans for the elderly after that (nor do they have plans for the sick and uninsured after they destroy Obama Care)
- George Soros, a decent human being, earmarks $500 million for migrants and refugees
- Trump picks former Monsanto executive to head Fish and Wildlife service (you just can’t make this stuff up)
- Voter suppression; a video from www.lakotalaw.org
- Trump’s Labor Relations Board is seeking to make union picketing illegal
- Trump to deploy over 5000 active duty soldiers to the border, even though a tiny fraction of the asylum seekers will make it hereMay the wisdom of your ancestors guide and protect you. All blessings on your journey through the dark half of the year!