Encounters with Bernie
A few days ago I went to my second Bernie Sanders rally at the University of Massachusetts. I found myself standing in line a full five hours before the speech, on a freezing cold, clear day. By chance I was in the midst of a cheerful and enthusiastic bunch of students, band members as it happens, who were mostly Poly Sci majors (and one Forester). One of the students said he wants to run for Congress someday (he was dressed in a jacket and tie and I could see that he was ideally suited for that job). The students were happy, excited, and joyful with anticipation.
There were reporters there who clearly had an agenda. The current media meme is that Bernie’s supporters are mostly “young people”. Several reporters came over to our group and asked the students why they liked Bernie. All the students were amazingly articulate and well informed. There were even reporters from Canada. One of them asked a student why he admired Bernie so much. After she finished recording the student’s opinions I chimed in with “Bernie is cute but Trudeau is hot!” and the reporter loved that. She ran over to the crew to tell them what I had just said.
We were handed blue and white signs by someone that read “Students for Bernie”. Never mind that I was a baby boomer in their midst, I also had a sign. I don’t know if it was because I was with the marching band, but we soon developed a well-oiled routine. When a press photographer would point their camera our way I would yell “signage!” and everyone would veer in the photographers direction at once, holding up their sign for the camera.
The sense I had from the students was they felt real affection for Bernie. “We love him” one of them told me. When I was their age the mantra was “Don’t trust anyone over thirty”, the idea of feeling affection for a seventy four year old politician would have been unthinkable. I recall that a few years ago a younger co-worker of mine explained that it was Jerry Garcia of the Grateful Dead who had made it “cool to be old”. Here was a vivid example.
The reporters ignored the older folks in the line, probably because we didn’t fit into their current narrative about who is supporting Bernie. There were a wealth of wonderful local characters that could have provided human interest stories; my poet friend Penny, in her seventies, who was dashing about urging the students to cheer, My professional story teller friend Rona who appears to be in her late fifties or early sixties, who insisted on standing for hours in the pit before the stage, rather than take a seat. There was even a group of middle aged Buddhist nuns in their saffron robes. And then there was me.
Last time I heard Bernie I was worried because his speech was outside, to over a thousand people from the overflow crowd and there was no security. This time was very different. We were finally let in to the stadium and had to walk through metal detectors, empty our pockets and bags, and be wanded. I was forced to throw out the apple and energy bar I had secreted away in my pockets.
The sports arena slowly filled over the next few hours, in the end there were over nine thousands of us. When Bernie finally came out Jane was with him and looked very happy and ready to be First Lady. Bernie gave his familiar stump speech to an audience that was on its feet cheering as Jane smiled and beamed. At the end Bernie came down and shook hands with the students on the floor.
It is my fervent hope that the students who came to see their idol, Bernie, will actually show up to vote on March 1, which is election day in Massachusetts. Bernie is the real deal, a true FDR Democrat. EVERYONE, GET OUT AND VOTE! Feeling the Bern!
Watch a video of the event here.
Meanwhile, Bernie is still the only candidate who even mentions global warming. Here is an update on where we are at, as the species that is causing the sixth mass extinction.
Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont and Virginia will hold primaries for both parties. Alaska will hold its Republican caucus while American Samoa will caucus for Democrats. Colorado will caucus for both parties though only the Democrats are choosing a candidate.
- A new author interview is here!
- Reality Sandwich posted an excerpt from SECRET MEDICINES FROM YOUR GARDEN
- I have received my first copies of A LEGACY OF DRUIDS which can be pre-ordered on Amazon, US and UK. You can ALSO buy a signed copy from me via this website.
- A Legacy of Druids Caption Competition
Legacy of Druids - The book has its own Facebook page.
- SECRET MEDICINES FROM YOUR GARDEN is out now! Find it in the usual places or order a signed copy from me, via this website.
- Reviews are coming in!Anna Jedrziewski
Retailing Insight (formerly New Age Retailer)Secret Medicines from Your Garden: Plants for Healing, Spirituality, and Magic
Ellen Evert Hopman
$18.95 P, 978-1-62055-557-6
Healing Arts PressNot just another reference book! Hopman uses narrative to draw us into her world and introduces us to the plants she knows so well. It was the spirit of St. Francis who led her to her calling. In a small church which he helped to build, she heard a voice telling her to work with plants. She heeded the calling, setting out on a journey guided only by the plants themselves. Now she is introducing readers to the properties and uses of her special plant allies. My favorite section is the one on the “doctrine of signatures” which uses plant/leaf formation, habitat preferences, smell, color, and taste to determine the special properties of the plant. Part Four of the book takes a scientific turn. It begins with a concise treatise on formula making, followed by an extensive chart of the prescriptive qualities of plants, a glossary of contraindications for herbal remedies, and a resource list. Don’t let customers miss the section on natural bug repellents, and be sure to let them know that the book is also laced with data on the multi-cultural, magical properties of plants.
Anna Jedrziewski, Retailing Insight*Reminder – you can purchase signed books from this website and get a personal note from the author!*
- Tree Magic and Medicine class with Ellen Evert Hopman
July 23,24 2016
Misty Meadows Herbal Center
183 Wednesday Hill Road
Lee, NH 03861 - My usual six month herbal intensive in the Amherst area starts October 15, 2016
Cost: $1000 plus a $100.00 nonrefundable Xeroxing fee
Please contact me for more details.Stay tuned for more workshops and events…
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- The truth about cats and dogs (I don’t buy their conclusion. I think it totally depends upon the cat. They are each very different.)
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- The Cailleach
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- Traditional cures
- While Celtic Woman is usually too saccharine/sweet for my taste, this one is interesting. Note the green dress, a bow to the Sidhe (Fairies) whose favorite color is green, pictures of hawthorn trees (which mark an entrance to Fairy Land when found alone on a hill) etc. (video)
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- Listen to Bernie Sanders warning about the economy in 2003, before the crash (video)
- A bill to require gun owners to have liability insurance (about time!)
- Michael Moore’s new movie WHERE TO INVADE NEXT Go see it!
- Marco Rubio: women who are raped should have to bear the child anyway
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- What the Democratic party should learn from the Sanders insurgency
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- Read this and weep (the fix is in)
- The DNC just opened the door to direct donations from special interests, Wall Street
- Why a NC war vet Republican has left the GOP
Happy Spring Equinox to all who read this and may your gardens bloom!