First some personal news;
Early last Moonth I was privileged to fly to California and visit the Giant Redwoods, soak my feet in the ocean, and teach an intensive on the medicinal and spiritual properties of trees at the Philo School of Herbal Energetics. The school is near Mendocino and I will be returning there next October (in 2015) to teach an advanced Herbal class.
Winter has come early to many parts of the country. Last night there was a record breaking first snow (on November 2nd!) in North Carolina. Here in New England we had some ferocious winds but none of the white stuff so far. I had a most enjoyable Samhain/Halloween celebration here at the house, despite the wind. We have a nice tradition of sharing food and companionship and of telling stories about our deceased friends and relatives. Candles, lit pumpkins and firelight added to the festive mood and one participant said she kept feeling a cold wind behind her back inside the house (spooky!). For those of us who honor Celtic ways it is the start of the New Year so Happy Celtic New Year everyone!
I am currently writing yet another Herbal and after thirty years of teaching Herbalism in my home I have decided to adopt a new name for my class. I am now officially *The Western Massachusetts School of Herbal Studies*. Sounds pretty grand, doesn’t it? I am hoping my yearly six month intensive will be more accessible to search engines now.
In case you missed this interview here is the YouTube link. My part starts at 4:50. Enjoy!
I am honored to be included in this wonderful book – please watch the amazing book trailer (video)
Please don’t shop on Thanksgiving. Give thanks to Costco and Nordstrom’s for actually letting their workers be home with their families on Thanksgiving.
Traditions Not Trademark
United States
Nov 3, 2014 — Fall
2014 Newsletter
Legal Update
A group of herbalists have filed for the cancellation of the Fire Cider trademark. Since filing, our cases have been consolidated by the United Stated Trademark and Patent Office (USTMPO).
They are gathering evidence and advising us how to move forward. This process could take up to 1.5 years to complete! So bear with us, we probably won’t have any legal updates for a long time!
From Rosemary Gladstar
Your continued support to help free Fire Cider from its trademark is hugely appreciated. All together, we are making a difference! Please continue to support the Free Fire Cider movement by making your own Fire Cider, and by supporting the national boycott.
If there are stores in your area selling the Shire City brand of Fire Cider, please let them know about the boycott (there is material available on the website that explains the issue).
If you’d like Free Fire Cider brochures and postcards, contact Sage Mountain and we’ll mail them to you. Or please print the attached flyer from our website and post in your area.
Thank you for joining us in this grass roots movement to protect our traditional herbal legacy products from trademarking.
Fire Cider in the Press
Check out the local press Fire Cider is getting!
*Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism: My Champlain Valley website. A great video and interview with Larken Bunce
*Spirit of Change: An editorial with both sides of the story, with Rosemary’s writing representing the herbalists perspective
*Austin Chronicle: An interview with herbalist, Jen Easter
*Plant Healers Magazine. Download this free edition
*Essential Herbal also included a supportive article as well in their latest issue
Etsy Update
If you are an herbalist selling Fire Cider on Etsy, please get in touch with Etsy legal and let them know the trademark is in litigation.
Herbalists selling Fire Cider on Etsy are still being contacted by Etsy legal and SCH. Please let us know if you have been contacted!
Why not celebrate by making your own batch of Fire Cider?
Fire Cider
Fire Cider is a traditional home remedy that has been used by herbalists for decades and was handed down by generations of grandmothers before that. A friend passed this recipe along to me and he swears he hasn’t had a cold in four years. Take a few tablespoons of this remedy at the first sign of a cold;
(Please use only the finest organic ingredients)
½ cup grated ginger root
½ cup grated horse radish root
1 medium onion, chopped
12 cloves chopped garlic
2 hot peppers, chopped
Zest and juice from 1 lemon
Zest from 1 small orange
1 tbsp. turmeric powder
¼ tsp. Cayenne Pepper
½ tsp. whole Black Peppercorns
Other herbs to consider: Thyme, Rose Hips, Ginseng, Grapefruit zest, Astragalus, Schizandra berries, Parsley, Burdock root, Oregano, Basil.
Put everything into a glass jar and barely cover with organic apple cider. Cap tightly and store in a cool, dark place. Shake the jar regularly. After about a month you can strain out the vinegar and reserve it in another very clean glass jar. Add ¼ cup of raw organic honey and stir until well blended.
You can use the strained out vegetables and spices in a stir fry with cabbage and carrots when everything is finished.
I have also used Fire Cider in salad dressing and to marinate chicken. Fabulous!
Below you will find the last Moonth’s batch of Archaeology, Herb, Nature, Celtic and Druid news, along with a little bit on politics and ethics (because to me they are the same thing)
*Remember – you can purchase signed copies of my books (with a personal note) when you order from this website! Enjoy!*
- Anti-Vampire measures in Italy
- Bulgarian anti-Vampire rituals
- The last Witch buried in Scotland?
- Mysterious stone circles pop up in the Middle East
- The evidence for Amazon warriors
An 1882 print shows an Amazon, perhaps Penthesilea, Queen of the Amazons, about to spear a panther.
Photograph by Ivy Close Images, Alamy - Silphium – An ancient contraceptive plant
- A Roman calendar
- A Roman fertility God discovered
- A Gallic Oppidum
- Ritual sacrifice (or capital punishment?) in ancient Denmark
- The oldest Beer
- Runes show evidence of “tagging” in the Middle Ages
- A 5,500 year old circular pyramid found in Peru
Ruins near Jaen, Peru - A 4000 year old bear’s pelt found in UK
- More proof humans and Neanderthals bred
- Statue of Apollo found in Gaza
- The ancient Maya realm of the dead
- An Iron Age fort on Dingle
- A Witch bottle unearthed
- Foraging in the Middle Ages (video)
- A 6000 year old temple found in Ukraine
- Ancient Russian notes on Birch bark found
- London was founded by Celts
- Did hallucinogenic plants inspire rock art?
- A Viking ring fortress found in Denmark
- Andean sarcophagi
- Why women in Western Europe were forced to cover their heads for “decency”
Palmyra - An Iron Age chariot discovered
How to make one - A Viking hoard discovered in Scotland
More… - A Celtic belt buckle from Croatia
- A Medieval Vampire burial in Bulgaria
- A Bronze Age tiara found in Spain
- A nice overview of Finnish Shamanism
- Essentially positive article about modern Druids but somewhat nonsensical. Especially this part ; “The earliest evidence of the Druid spiritual tradition is from 25,000 years ago and is found in caves in Europe, such as the Pinhole caves in Derbyshire in England, the Chauvet or Lascaux caves in France, and the Altamira in Spain, which feature paintings of wild animals on their walls.”
- Halloween in Celtic areas
Celtic Halloween - Who was Saint Patrick, really?
- Evidence for a British King Arthur(the French would beg to differ)
Cadbury Hill - The Kingdom of the Picts
- Scottish Traditional Dress (for women)
- Conference in honor of Fergus Kelly on removal of Sick Maintenance (video)
- Turmeric, a potent anti-cancer agent
- Paw Paws for health
- How to leach acorns (video)
- Mushrooms are blooming now
- Oaks!
- What weeds tell us about soil
- An extinct tree is resurrected from ancient seeds
- Kids gathering acorns for food (video)
- Things to do with Autumnberry
- Blue Spruce Mushrooms
- Plantain!
- How to process Rose Hips
- In a time of drought, beavers are no longer seen as “varmints”
- October 19, a comet passed by Mars
This March 27, 2014 image provided by NASA, ESA, and J.-Y. Li shows comet C/2013 A1, also known as Siding Spring, as captured by Wide Field Camera 3 on NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope.(AP Photo/NASA, ESA, J.-Y. Li) - Last night I heard on TV that half the Earth’s animals are now gone, due to human activity . HALF.
- How wolves helped revive Yellowstone (video)
- When plants talk
- Bernie Sanders on getting big money out of politics (video)
- Six reasons Elizabeth Warren should run for president
- Elizabeth Warren works to keep Hillary true to Democratic ideals (can you tell I am a fan?)
- Bolivia gives rights to the Earth
Bolivia gives rights to the Earth - A campaign to put ecocide on a par with war crimes and genocide
May your winter dreams be bright and comforting and your New Year warm and prosperous.