After a record breaking warm December here in New England, things are finally cooling down here on the mountain. The last Full Moon was so warm that the animals thought it was spring. I saw a deer (sadly hit by a car) on the road, and a fox. A friend told me she went outside to admire her Christmas lights and something that sounded like a wolf was howling in the nearby forest.
We didn’t have our first snow and ice storm until a few days after Christmas, which is strange and unnatural for New England. As a consequence of the same storm my brother and his wife barely escaped the tornados in Texas and the South East is drowning in record levels of water, as is Scotland. The arctic will be 50 degrees warmer than usual this week, its already warmer than it has been in 120,000 years – I have to admit that I am scared by all this. James Lovelock, the famous inventor of the Gaia hypothesis which states that the Earth is a self-regulating system, predicts that climate catastrophe within the next twenty years is now inevitable. Here in the USA we can barely tolerate the idea of a few desperate Syrian refugees coming to our shores. Soon the human tide looking for food, water and shelter will number in the millions. What will we do then?
Bernie Sanders will be visiting Western Mass on January 2 and I plan to hear him speak. He is currently the only candidate with the wisdom to list climate change as a dire problem. He has my vote.
Some upcoming local events in January
- I will be doing a talk on “Animal Spirit Medicines” and selling my salves and books at Indigo Massage and Healing Center, 45 Main Street, Florence, MA on Saturday, January 16. They are holding a Crystal Fair from 11-5. In the center of town, located just behind the Cumberland Farms with a free parking lot. Look for the big Blue Sign that says YOGA!
- Tree Herbalism
I will be doing a series on tree herbalism and Celtic tree lore at THE BOUTIQUE in Northampton
2-4 PM January 24, February 21 and March 13 (all are Sundays)
Learn the herbal uses and Celtic lore of seven trees at each session in a very warm and relaxed space on a cold winter’s afternoon!
Celtic Tree Lore
Over three months you will learn the medicinal and spiritual properties of the twenty trees of the Irish pre-Roman Ogham alphabet. Includes a pronunciation guide, handouts, and for those who want to, a deck of tree cards that can be used for divination.
Each week we will cover seven trees and share traditional tales and Celtic medicine and lore of the trees (while sipping tea and eating cookies!)
A small voluntary donation is appreciated to cover costs.
Legacy of Druids
I have two new books coming out that are already available for pre-order. I just received my first copies of A LEGACY OF DRUIDS
The book has its own Facebook page
And can be pre-ordered now on US or UK -
Secret Medicines from Your Garden
The second book is SECRET MEDICINES FROM YOUR GARDEN which is also available for pre-order!
Secret Medicines from Your Garden
Plants for Healing, Spirituality, and Magic
Ellen Evert Hopman
Coming Spring 2016
A guided exploration of herbal lore and healing plants found in yards, forests, meadows, and hedgerows
• Draws on traditional knowledge and remedies from around the world, including Native American, Celtic, and Egyptian traditions
• Provides simple recipes to safely make herbal remedies from local plants and honey for first aid, immune support, and treatment of common ailments
• Reveals the “triangle” formula-making system of William LeSassier
• Explains how to work with plant spirits, herbal astrology, and Animal Spirit Medicine
Weaving together ancient wisdom, mystical folklore, and modern plant research, master herbalist Ellen Evert Hopman explores the many uses of flowers, trees, common weeds, and ornamental plants for food, medicine, spiritual growth, and magical rituals. She reveals the herbal lore surrounding each plant, drawing on traditional knowledge and remedies from around the world, including Native American, Celtic, and Egyptian traditions. She includes recipes throughout so you can make medicines from wild and domesticated plants easily found in yards, forests, meadows, and hedgerows, and she discusses what to plant to ensure you have leaves, berries, and flowers all year.
The author reveals how to quickly intuit an unknown plant’s properties using the signatures of plants—universal indications and contraindications based on the form, color, and location of a plant. She includes an in-depth section on honey and Bee Medicine, allowing you to appreciate the labors of these plant-dependent insects. Exploring the magical role of herbs in ancient ritual, Hopman provides recipes for Egyptian temple incense and their sacred medicine known as “Kyphi” or “Kaphet,” used to purify the body, banish insomnia, and promote vivid dreaming. She explores shamanic Plant Spirit and Animal Spirit Medicine as well as herbal astrology. She also explains the “triangle” formula-making system of her herbal mentor William LeSassier to help you develop custom herbal remedies tailored to a person’s unique strengths and weaknesses.
Showing how to easily incorporate wild plants into your life to receive their healing benefits throughout the seasons, Hopman reveals the power of the bounty that Mother Nature has provided right at our doorstep.
Ellen Evert Hopman has been a teacher of herbalism since 1983 and is a professional member of the American Herbalists Guild. A Druidic initiate since 1984, she is a founding member of The Order of the White Oak, an Arch Druidess of the Druid Clan of Dana, and a member of the Grey Council of Mages and Sages. The author of several books, including A Druid’s Herbal for the Sacred Earth Year, she lives in Massachusetts.
Healing Arts Press
ISBN 978-1-62055-557-6
Spring 2016
I wish you all a warm, safe, prosperous and joyful New Year!
Below you will find the usual last Moonth’s gleanings from the media.
*Reminder* you can always purchase signed books from this website and get a *personal note* from the author! (me)
- Newgrange interpreted (video)
- Iron Age hillforts examined
- A Grianan (stone fort) in Ireland
- Ancient Irish DNA – a new study
- Making a Roman silver cup (video)
- Celtic plastic metamorphosis art
- Ancient Osage cave marks the winter solstice
- Timeline of Viking attacks on Ireland
- 1500 year old Viking settlement found under an airport
- Did Neanderthals invent jewelry?
- A Greek temple in Sicily is aligned with the Solstice Moon
- Cats in the ancient world
- Another ancient human species found in Southern China
- London before the Romans
- Newgrange and Winter Solstice
- A temple to Zeus unearthed in Izmir
- When Orkney was the center of everything
- Ultraviolet light reveals hidden stories in Arthurian text
- The ancient Etruscans were Turks
- Neolithic and Iron Age querns from Norway
- How humans created cats
- A horned dinosaur that walked on two legs found in Gobi desert
- An Anglo-Saxon treasure trove discovered
- 300,000 year old wooden spears from Germany
- Site of a massacre by Julius Caesar found
- World’s oldest string found at Neanderthal site in France
- Volunteer on a Viking longship!
- The Abbott’s Bromley Horn Dance (video)
- Ancient European dwellings – log cabins
- Rare photos of the Sami, circa 1900-1928
- Stonehenge; new finds imply shift to a new Solar religion
- The Pagan Christ (video)
- Celtic astronomy (video)
- A Balkan Celtic fortress in Serbia
- Unlooted Etruscan tomb found in Italy
- A 1500 year old city in Louisiana
- Maes Howe web cam, Orkney
- Make Linden Tree chocolate
- Nettles for food and medicine
- How to cook ground nuts (video)
- Herbs, Fungi and other edibles native to Connecticut
- Che trees
- Turmeric lemonade for depression
- Psychedelic mushrooms may repair brain damage
- Pomegranates may prevent Alzheimers
More… - Make Quince liqueur
- Cannabis oil for health
- Ganoderma (Reishi) for lung, colon cancer and skin conditions
And breast cancer - Make Dandelion coffee
- Thistles!
- Stephen Buhner on Living Medicines (Japanese Knot Weed has followed Lyme as the epidemic spread. I always say that Nature knows better than us, what we actually need. We just aren’t smart enough to understand her yet).
- Medieval antibiotics for modern superbugs
- How to eat tree bark
- Acorns in ancient texts
- James Lovelock – climate catastrophe within 20 years is inevitable
- Live map of current global weather
- The true cost of dirty oil (video)
- 93% of seeds have been lost in the last 80 years
- A secret weapon against climate change – dirt
- Foxes in the arctic circle
- How to raise a 165 year old cat
- Monsanto to be put on trial for crimes against nature, humanity, at The Hague
- Macro-photography of snowflakes
- How ice forms under the sea
- Makers of opioids, the basis for the heroin epidemic, seek to block reforms in congress
- Antibiotic resistance is growing
- Congress quietly ends ban on medical cannabis
- Why you should see a Naturopath
- Jimmy Carter leaves Southern Baptist church because of their prejudice against women (old news but worth re-reading)
- Pope Francis: churches that are making profits and not helping the poor should pay taxes
- Druids protect the Earth at anti-fracking camp
- Religious groups are not non-profit nor do they give much to the poor (so why are they tax exempt?)
- Kentucky homeless shelter kicks out women (and their children) on Biblical principles (because they tempt men)
- Thanks to ISIL Kurds are reviving Zoroastrianism for the first time in 1000 years
- Arvol Looking Horse of the white buffalo prophecy
- 70,000 Muslim clerics issue fatwa condemning terrorism and Trump too
- Making offerings to Mannanan MacLir (video)
- We were made for these times (so do not despair)
- The Pagan Christ (video)
- Accused Witches are being burned by Christians in Central Africa
- Russian fertility rituals
- Bronze Age Solstice in Ireland (video)
- Slavic Solstice rituals
- Friesian holiday customs
- Herbs for Yule
- The Yule Log
- Yuletide herbs
- Lost female figures of Christmas
- Christmas in old Norway
- Viking Yule (video)
- How the Romans invented Christmas
- 5 ancient Roman winter festivals
- The European Deer Goddess, Mother Christmas
- The Krampuslauf…Austria (video)
- Oh Holy Night sung by goats (why not?)
- How to recycle 100% of your town’s waste (video)
- Build an underground greenhouse
- How to house the homeless
More ideas - Mexican artist turns guns into shovels to plant trees. Brilliant.
- The UN sends three female delegates to the US to assess women’s rights – they were truly shocked
- Ohio bill seeks to force women who miscarry or have an abortion to arrange for burial of the fetus
- The greatest threat to America is global warming, not ISIL
- Bernie Sanders files bill to make election day a national holiday
- How does Bernie Sanders pay for all the free stuff?
- When MO weakened its gun laws the predictable happened – gun deaths skyrocketed (well, duh)
- Bernie Sanders is the first presidential candidate to get 2 million donors
- Bernie Sanders and Killer Mike – the interview (video)
- Since Sandy Hook an American child has died by a gun, every other day (are we sick of this yet?)
- ABC, NBC, and CBS all made a corporate decision to ignore Bernie Sanders
- ABC News devoted 81 minutes to Trump and 1 minute to Bernie Sanders
- Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders continues to climb in the polls
- Bernie gets huge union endorsements
- PEW: the middle class is shrinking
- The new Michael Moore movie (Where To Invade Next) (video)
- Scalia;” Blacks should go to less advanced schools” (shows we desperately need affirmative action on the Supreme Court)
- Wealth inequality in America (video)
- Trump campaign officially called a hate group by Southern Poverty Law Center
- SCOTUS leaves assault weapons ban intact (showing a bit of common sense)
- Trump wants to shut down the internet
- Meet the powerful queen mothers of Ghana
- First they jailed the banksters and now every Icelander will get paid
- Brits seek to ban Trump from the UK due to his hate speech
- Bernie Sanders introduces bill to banish for-profit prisons
- Meet the generation that has grown up with no mass shootings
- Powerful front page NY Times editorial on the epidemic of gun violence in the USA
- Bernie Sanders on US foreign policy
- How Bernie Sanders would pick Supreme Court justices
- Paul Krugman on climate change and the GOP
- Businesses the NRA wants you to boycott PLEASE SUPPORT THESE FINE BUSINESSES!
- How the mass shooters got their guns
- GOP lawmaker regrets backing gun violence research ban
- Congress votes to allow terrorists to buy guns the day after the massacre in California
- Republicans say to focus on mental health care, not guns, but vote against that too
- Buying a gun should be as difficult as getting an abortion, lawmaker says
- BBC reporter – mass shootings in America won’t stop until the NRA is broken
- Alabama police planted drugs on black men for years to frame them
- 70% of women seeking abortion are Christian, pro-life study finds
- A record number of guns bought on black Friday 2015
- Study: having guns in the home increases suicide, homicide risk