Religion News

Below are links to articles, websites, and news related to Religion.

September 2021

August 2021

July 2021

June 2021

May 2021

April 2021

March 2021

February 2021

December 2020

November 2020

October 2020

  • Arəduuī Sūrā Anāhitā: An Indo-European River Goddess
    “A widely recurring term connected with rivers in Indo-European is *dānū, “abundant, giving,” which survives most famously in the names of several European rivers, including the Danube, the Don (one in Russia and another in England), the Dnieper, the Dniester, and others. Iranian-dānu- “body of water” (cf. Ossetic don “water”; Don, Danube, etc. and the goddess Danu in the Vedas would all seem to be related.

    The Indo-European root *dā- means “to flow, flowing,” and its suffixed derivative *dānu- means “river.” In Avestan, dānu- means “river, stream.” In modern Ossetic (the language of the Ossetians, descendants of the Scythians), don means “river, stream.” *Deh nu- “river goddess” is reconstructed from Sanskrit dānu, Irish dānu , Welsh Dôn, and Ossetic Donbettys. A shortened form of the name appears to have been *dā. Many reflexes of this term can be found in Indo-European myths as well, often in connection with a river goddess.” 

Study Druidism on line from anywhere with THE TRIBE OF THE OAK DRUIDS  

September 2020

It is worth remembering that the ancient Druids were political advisors to the nobility. It is part of a Druid’s calling. Also, modern “Romantic Revival” Druids were very political and tended to be Socialists (because they actively cared about the welfare of the common people). 

August 2020

July 2020

June 2020

May 2020

April 2020

The Place of the Earth Goddess in ancient Anglo-Saxon religion (PDF)

The Condor and Eagle prophecy

March 2020

February 2020

January 2020

December 2019

Tribe of the Oak now has a Flame Tenders group in honor of the Goddess Brighid. “Garrán na Brighid – Cill na Teine” is the sacred gathering of Druids and aspiring Druids dedicated to the Goddess Brighid and the Celtic traditions as taught by the Tribe of the Oak.

“How does the Flame Tending work? It is the act of keeping a candle which is dedicated to Brighid alight on your altar, shrine or hearth in rotating vigils which last 24 hours, starting at sunset on the date listed for each vigil shift and completing the vigil at sunset the following evening. Your name will be added to the vigil roster when you join us and we will assign you to a regular shift.”

You need to be a member of Tribe of the Oak to participate

November 2019

October 2019

September 2019

August 2019